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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By scargill
#52125 There are several DIY MQTT servers and they are free. My own favourite for the likes of Windows and Debian is MOSQUITTO which I have found to be 100% reliable over many, many months. If you want to play on Android - MQTT BROKER works - and in a couple of weeks hopefully will have two important features - username and password - and the ability to stay on regardless of what Android is doing. I run that and Node-Red on my phone for experimenting with.
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By Mark_msn_
#55255 Hi!!! Congratulations for this big project.

I test Basic Esp for create thermostat for my home, read temperature, humidity, external temperature, post to thing speaks and working all fine :)

All is very easy :D

Now I'm interested to put mqtt to this project, but have a question.

Is possible modify port in mqtt.setup("")? Need put this port, 19449

I created a Cloud mqtt broker in (Is free for test and have up to 10 "users" for free account)
But this cloud mqtt broker fix a 19449 port

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By Mmiscool
#56803 You can use the following code

Code: Select allmqtt.setup("",  19449)
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By kingedem
#56820 Where can find the document/help about MQTT? I could not find in language reference document of 2.0 and 3.0.