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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By ofekp
#77808 I recently updated the code and steblized it too. If you have any issue please add them to the repo, I answer there and try to do my best to resolve issues.

UPnP is still your best option if you have no centralized server.

Good luck,
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By ofekp
#77809 I recently updated the API and stabilized my TinyUPnP package that was mentioned by @lucasromeiro.

If you do not have a centralized server, your best option is still UPnP.

If you are having issues using it, please contact me or add an issue in the GitHub repo, I do my best to answer these questions and solve issues.

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By lucasromeiro
ofekp wrote:I recently updated the code and steblized it too. If you have any issue please add them to the repo, I answer there and try to do my best to resolve issues.

UPnP is still your best option if you have no centralized server.

Good luck,

Hi, are you the creator of the library?
I tried to use but I did not succeed. maybe now you can.
Could you explain how it works and how does it do the configuration?
Are home routers normally coming with uPNP enabled or disabled?
I am developing a large scale product and need to know details of the operation.
Because I need a way to reverse connection with the equipment in the field.
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By ofekp
#77872 Hey, yes, I created the package :)
For how it works, you can simply read the README (first page) in my GitHub repo ( I also wrote a similar answer in StackOverflow and you can find more info in other answers within that thread (
It is not a too complicated protocol, but making it stable and durable to internet connection losses and other abnormalities is difficult and it is what I am trying to achieve with this package.
I think for most routers the answer is that UPnP is turned on by default, at least for the well known companies and for home purposed devices. That's from my own experience.
As I said, you're welcome to give it another try (it has been updated recently) and if it still does not work, simply open an issue within the GitHub repository and attach your full log. I will do my best to help from there.