Tell me what you want, What you really, really want.

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By ilc
#52539 I don't know how difficult or practical this might be, but how about a stripped back V3 that would fit on the 512K ESP01's? I have some of these I was hoping to use with remote sensors, so they don't need display functions or websockets, just sensor and comms (UDP/MQTT) interfaces. This would avoid the confusion with syntax differences between V2 and V3.

If it's a simple matter of removing code before compiling then it might be worthwhile, otherwise it wouldn't be worth the trouble.

Maybe in version 4 or 5 we could have "includes" where you link in only the external modules you need, and even user defined functions with private scope.

ESPBasic is fantastic, I just wish I had more time to enjoy it. I have no idea how Mike maintains his phenomenal output with all the updates and bugfixes, but we all appreciate it!
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By Mmiscool
#52542 It mostly has to do with the sdk. The newer one from expressif reqires more space. It might be possible but i don't know how I might evin start to impliment such a build process.