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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By ardhuru
#47436 I have been using PicbasicPro for a long time, and one of the commands I use often is 'POT'. This essentially measires the resistance connected to a pin thru' a known capacitor. But the beauty of this is, if the resistor is fixed, one can measure the capacitor in series as well. Essentially, it measures the RC constant.

Its great for measuring the values off a raw analog sensor.

Wonder if this can be done in ESP8266Basic?

And thanks for a great, fantastic tool.


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By ardhuru
#47442 Hi Dwight, absolutely!

Thanks for that link, can't wait to lay my hands on that version!

Looks like ESP8266Basic will do for the ESP what PBP did for pics about 16 years ago, open up a rich world without daunting newbies with complex stuff. And keep the learning curve short.

Thanks again. Might want to exchange notes with you, either on this forum or PBP.

