Ive had no problems flashing my ESP8266s with the binaries at the same time. In these early days, we are still assuming that the folks who are playing with this code have some knowledge of ESP8266s and may want to use the flash tools of their own choices. Personally, I use "esptool_ck" for flashing ... however, the other week I tried to use "nodemcu_flasher" and found that there was a bug in it. If I asked it to load two flash binaries, it only did one and ignored the other. I raised this as an issue with the "nodemcu_flasher" team and they agreed, made a fix and published a new version ... which meant that I could now flash in one go with that tool. It might be that is what you heard about?
Ive had no problems flashing my ESP8266s with the binaries at the same time. In these early days, we are still assuming that the folks who are playing with this code have some knowledge of ESP8266s and may want to use the flash tools of their own choices. Personally, I use "esptool_ck" for flashing ... however, the other week I tried to use "nodemcu_flasher" and found that there was a bug in it. If I asked it to load two flash binaries, it only did one and ignored the other. I raised this as an issue with the "nodemcu_flasher" team and they agreed, made a fix and published a new version ... which meant that I could now flash in one go with that tool. It might be that is what you heard about?