The following code loads..... but also resets the ESP-01.... guessing it requires too much memory ?
After a save() it reports 3040 bytes written.... am I correct in using SPI1 of the ESP-01 ?
SPI1.setup({baud:3200000, mosi:D2});
var arr = new Uint8ClampedArray(10*3);
var pos = 0;
var brightness = 0.05;
function getPattern() {
for (var i=0;i<arr.length;i+=3) {
arr[i ] = (1 + Math.sin((i+pos)*0.1324)) * 127 * brightness;
arr[i+1] = (1 + Math.sin((i+pos)*0.1654)) * 127 * brightness;
arr[i+2] = (1 + Math.sin((i+pos)*0.1)) * 127 * brightness;
function onTimer() {
SPI1.send4bit(arr, 0b0001, 0b0011);
setInterval(onTimer, 50);
I also tried this same code on my Olimexino... so I know the lights work......