There is though email command So you could have your device connec to wifi and then send email to the user with link to the device. This requires that user inputs email address tho, but it could work really well.
and ofc station and ap mode at the same time.
for getting the wifi networks and making connection you could do something like
wprint "SSID: "
textbox networkSSID
textboxID = HTMLID()
wprint "<br>Password: "
passwordbox networkPW
wprint "<br>"
button "Scan for networks" [doScan]
button "Connect" [connectWifi]
wprint "<br>"
n = wifi.scan()
n = n - 1
html "Number of network found = "
html n
for x = 1 to n
html "<hr>"
html wifi.ssid(x)
html ","
html wifi.rssi(x)
next x
Produces this:
would just need to add element on the ssdi, like "<p>" tags with onclick event to put contents of the tag to the textbox.
Or like Mmiscool pointed out you can populate dropdown or listbox with the wifi's
let listWifis = ""
n = wifi.scan()
n = n - 1
html "Number of network found = "
html n
for x = 1 to n
let listWifis = listWifis & wifi.ssid(x)
let listWifis = listWifis & ","
next x
wprint "<br>"
dropdown listWifis selectedWifi
Bit example code.
EDIT: Felt like doing some coding/learning myself so i made both complete. They can be found at programming examples: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=7854&p=39785#p39785