General area when it fits no where else

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By forlotto
#37082 1. This would be the correct thing you see ............................................. like in the picture once the flash is complete yes.
2. File open fail msg is not normal operation of basic after hitting save.
3. 2 adresses?

AP IP is for running in access point mode it is for when there is no wireless available at this point. This is at default.

I guess I'm not understanding the address part.

Are you sure that you have the latest firmware for the esp01 which should be the 512k version?

ESP should say your version number of 1.68 for the latest version.

It is possible that your unit is faulty but this is why I wanted you to try different code as print time was not added until a very recent version. And it may have been updated.

Try the code that I pasted below just in case.

Enter this code:
Code: Select allcls
bla = "YES!!!!!!!"
wprint "HELLO WORLD"
wprint "CAN YOU SEE THIS?"
print bla

Then go to
after your code has saved

It should be a webpage with stuff printed on it.

This is bare minimum operation this works no matter what version of firmware you have...

Anyhow hope this gets to the bottom of things because I am running out of ideas for you at this point aside from remote access to see what you are doing....

Hrmmm could you record your screen when you are doing this stuff so I can be sure my directions are indeed clear enough to you using a screen recorder software then upload it to youtube and share the link to the video?

This way we will see exactly what is going wrong right off the bat.
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By iw2fvo
#37160 thanks Forlotto:
Please be informed that the Basic version 1.68 works. > why is it OK now !
Please be informed that the my 1M esp works only if the if the flash size is set to 512k ! > Why ?
I DO NOT have the "file open fail " message anymore !
I can access to the ESP AP on . The Time or the sketch you have attached work fine.
I did load the the following to link my home network: ( from the examples )

let ssid = " "
let password = " "
print "SSID:"
textbox ssid
print "PASSWORD:"
textbox password
button "Make AP" [create_ap]

ap ssid password

Of course I inserted my SSID and psswrd, SAVED, and toggled power to the esp.
At re_boot the esp counts ... and then says " fail WIFI connect " and I can access it using only.
Could you please give me the correct procedure to access my home network please ?

Thanks for all the assistance.
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By forlotto
#37172 1. The ESP01 has some mislabeled chips claiming to be 1MB when they are really 512k....

2. You are not trying to create an AP you already have one so you need to connect to an AP!!!

To be brutally honest though why someone would not just spend an extra couple dollars and get a nodemcu instead really makes my brain muscles cramp up but to each their own even with this you are dealing with rather limited resources. Not to mention it has a ton more for GPIO and it is made for development of projects. The other boards are more suited for specific projects... Get a nodemcu for testing projects at the very least is a suggestion to you.
But above is just opinion lets us move along.

3. As I said you will be using station mode not AP mode ...

4. Maybe there is not a settings page on the 512k version for the esp01 where you can just enter your info ?

5.Otherwise this should be correct for the mode you are trying to create Station Mode...
Code: Select alllet ssid = " "
let password = " "
 print "SSID:"
textbox ssid
 print "PASSWORD:"
textbox password
 button "Connect" [connect_to_ap]
connect ssid password

This is the example given on

6. I would think the following would do the same thing with 1 line of code while I am not certain.
Code: Select allconnect "yourSSID" "yourPASSWORD"

ReMeMbEr your code is case sensitive. So if you use uppercase to specify something you will need to always reference it this way as well. Your SSID and PASSWORD is also case sensitive!
If the one liner doesn't work maybe a couple of lines would work.
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By iw2fvo
#37186 very good suggestion Forlotto,
I had that suspect before. I ordered a couple of NodeMcu's five days ago but still waiting for them to arrive.
I am able to connect as a station just one of my module: the other one does not . It sometimes responds in a "random" mode following flashing wiith Basic firmware. It has a non repetitive behavior !
Anyway for now both of my modules work very well using LUA or AT firmware.

>> I have to send some text received from esp UART to WEB and see the text on my mobile phone or on a remote PC.
What do you suggest to me ? How to do that ?

Thanks very much for the great help provided to me on this forum.
All the best.