General area when it fits no where else

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Mihail
#54557 Can you tell me where can i read more about the ESP - BASIC:
Who is the developer?
What is the source code under BASIC?
What is the difference between BASIC , NODEMCU, Lua , ESPRUINO
As far as I know The Lua is like an OS for the devices ?
Nodemcu is based on Lua
:) :?:
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By Mmiscool
#54571 Hello,
Can you tell me where can i read more about the ESP - BASIC:

Who is the developer?

Me (mmiscool) and others who have contributed.

What is the source code under BASIC?

Full source code and libraries.

What is the difference between BASIC , NODEMCU, Lua , ESPRUINO

Node MCU software is a lua interpreter. Esprino is a javvascript interperter. ESP8266 BASIC is a BASIC interpreter.
As far as I know The Lua is like an OS for the devices ?

This is true. Similarly the esp basic firmware is like an OS. It manages files. Allows you to edit basic programs and communicate with your web browser.
Nodemcu is based on Lua

NODEMCU has 2 meanings. There is the nodemcu firmware witch is a lua interpreter. A nodemcu module is a nice development board that supports the node mcu firmware but can also be used by other firmwares such as esp basic. I highly suggest using a node mcu module flashed with esp basic firmware.
User avatar
By Mihail
#54578 Ok ;)

This is true. Similarly the esp basic firmware is like an OS. It manages files. Allows you to edit basic programs and communicate with your web browser

Code: Select all
bool ConnectToTheWIFI(String NetworkName, String NetworkPassword, String NetworkStaticIP, String NetworkGateway, String NetworkSubnet)
  byte numberOfAtempts = 0;
  int str_len = NetworkName.length() + 1;
  char ssid[str_len];
  NetworkName.toCharArray(ssid, str_len);

  str_len = NetworkPassword.length() + 1;
  char password[str_len];
  NetworkPassword.toCharArray(password, str_len);

  // Connect to WiFi network
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

I'm looking at the documentation and got the following question:
Where the documentation describes the following procedures?
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
... etc.

Similarly the esp basic firmware is like an OS

So not exactly OS, but as OS?
Which does not make it OS?
User avatar
By Mmiscool
#54585 You can find all tue docs, examples and instructions at

That site should have plenty of information to get started.