General area when it fits no where else

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By RyanC
#54856 Greetings,
My oled screen is printing teeny tiny letters that are missing pixels because they are too small for the resolution of the screen, making them largely unreadable. Is it possible to modify this? I tried using the TFT font size function for the oled, but this crashed the device. Any guidance?
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By RyanC
#54991 Also, Am I the only one having this problem? I'm using the same kind of screen that's in MMISCOOL's shop.
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By gluefunk
#55337 I am very glad to be able to use the Esp BASIC - a very good work!
With oledsend 144 and oledsend 167 / 166 I am able to nvert, the display . But I also lack very much the change of the type-size.
A lot of success furthermore
to the developer
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By RyanC
#55528 Agreed. Personally, I am only gonna be displaying, like, 3 letters, and would rather have them be big :D