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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By ang1960
#40249 Dear Sir,
I programmed the ESP8266 Ver 1 /512K with Basic Interpreter and I have several problems. I have already load some examples but when from file manager select view I can't see any file to select. Also then I save the default program sometimes didn't save entire program missing some lines and after that I have to install again the interpreter. Also sometimes missed the connection with ESP and I have to disconnect and reconnect to ESP. Also if I place password on access point after that I can't access the menu
Thank you for help
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By forlotto
Dear Sir,
I programmed the ESP8266 Ver 1 /512K with Basic Interpreter and I have several problems. I have already load some examples but when from file manager select view I can't see any file to select. Also then I save the default program sometimes didn't save entire program missing some lines and after that I have to install again the interpreter. Also sometimes missed the connection with ESP and I have to disconnect and reconnect to ESP. Also if I place password on access point after that I can't access the menu
Thank you for help

You need to save your file to a text file...
Default program is limited to 200 lines of code last I knew anything over that don't work.
If you update your default program you must run the default program for it to be held and running in memory.
Connection problems could be due to distance, or wifi card try it with your phone see if you have the same problem if you do make sure you are not using GPIO's that conflict with your connection.
When you use a password and your program is running you may have to reset your esp and quickly login to the edit page and save a blank program alternatively you can include a button called exit and have it end the program this will help you with logging in when it doubt reset.

The esp at times requires persistence while basic is easier in some respects you must get used to some of the quirks in the interface most of them are the fault of the limited resources of the hardware but over all once you get used to basic it and how to solve these basic issues and become familiar with the quirks of it you will not wish to stop I know there is no real documentation on these things because the people that have used it have been through it and understand how to work the interface.

Enjoy and take care!