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By kenn
Tomer Abramovich wrote:I tried to connect to my ESP-08 via FTDI but I can't open the serial connection from my computer. I found that Windows assigned it to COM6 and when I open this port via Putty and hard reset the module I receive a few garbage characters (maybe 4-8) and that's it. I also tried a few different baud rates but all results in the same thing. Is there something else I need to configure? Like data bits, stop bits, parity, flow control, etc...


Using 76800 baud rate I receive [a] message:

ESP8266s bark out that initial stuff at 76800, then start communicating at their preset rate (default 115200). So if your terminal's at 115200, you'll always see initial garbage characters, then you should see something intelligible which ends in 'OK'. At that point you can start trying AT commands - eg AT+RST.

Note that you need to enter a carriage return AND a newline after an AT command. I recommend getting the Termite serial console because you can set it to do that automatically when you hit ENTER.
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By Yaakov K
#31088 [quote="Yaakov K"]Exactly same phenomenon! I did apply the termite serial console: with 74880 Baud it responds same as yours - "waiting for host". Setting to the 115200 receives garbage and no respond to AT command... Do you have any idea?

I'm not sure but it seems we having the ESP-08 model - maybe it has different baud rate?
