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By Pinhead
#36265 Again, this is really a must read book. Big thumbs up!

If I may, I would like to point some very little problem with the memory mappings. It has to do with the adress of the last cell in a mem block:.

December version, page 146:
"0x4020 0000 to 0x4028 0000" should be "0x4020 0000 to 0x4027 FFFF", because that is the last cell of the memory block.
In the image, the Flash mem should go only to 0x7 FFFF and the ESP8266 Adress block should also be limited to 0x4027 FFFF

I continue to read, and soon, I'll be ready to order 2 or 3 devices to begin to play with
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By kolban
#36306 Thank you sir. Change made and will appear in the next release. I appreciate you taking the time to send in comments. It is only by reports like these that improvements can be made. I'd hoped to spend time updating the book for the new ESP32 but unfortunately I ruined the ESP32 beta that Espressif sent me (dumb soldering issues on my part). I am also working on a new book for the Raspberry Pi. Basically the same as the ESP8266 book ... but just covering how to program at this level on the Pi devices. Because tinkering with these books is only a hobby, and I have a real world day job as well ... that means that time will be squeezed among too many projects. The up-shot of this is that the chances are high I'm going to be dramatically slowing down on ESP8266 updates until the ESP32 ships and I can get myself some devices (and not worry about bodging their assembly) and focusing more on the Pi (primarily because of the Pi Zero ... which I also don't have an instance off).
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#36308 You really need to consider e-publishing the ESP book on Amazon and iTunes and it really is worth buying.

So you are the Kolban in the piZero forum.

Mine should arrive by next week as I subb'd 6 issues.

From a practical perspective, what this means is that if we wish the device to run normally, we want to boot from flash with the pins having values 011 while when we wish to flash the device with a new program, we want to supply 001 to boot from UART0

I may be mistaken but in the table above is shows
normal running = 001
Flashing =011
But the quoted bit say it's the other way around?

Just my humble opinion and nothing personal
I think that on PG32 (and the next few) You should put in a page brake so that each version starts on a new page and not continues on the end of the previous. I just feel that it would make them a bit clearer to recognise.

Sorry awake this morning
PG32 - Typo - You put discounted when it should be discontinued
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By kolban
#36341 Howdy my friend,
My words weren't clear 011 means boot from flash memory ... while 001 means boot from UART0 and write that into flash memory.

I actually did mean "discounted".

Sometimes my use of English uses subtler words than I should ... for example ...

"Floppy disks are no longer used. The importance of a floppy disk drive on your PC should be discounted."

In this context "discounted" means not important.

Again ... MANY thanks for the kind words.