martinayotte wrote:I have a PL2303, but maybe a clone (I'm not sure), and I've never be able to decrypt 76800 Baud boot message.
I've tested CP2102/CP2104, PL2303 and a (most likely fake) FT232RL. Out of these, only the FT232RL worked at 74880 baud.
If you happen to have an USB AVR at hand: an atmega32u4 programmed with the LUFA USBtoSerial demo also works well (other AVRs compatible with LUFA should also work).
(I think I will purchase another one, although I would prefer that Espressif change that to 115200 in their own libs right after reset)
The boot loader UART speed depends on the crystal used. It is 115200 baud with a 40MHz crystal, but most (all?) available boards use 26MHz crystals. The baud rate is therefore 115200baud * (26MHz/40MHz) = 74880 baud (see datasheet, section 3.6).