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By RichardS
#50775 Cool?



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By AdVirMachina
#51653 Neil,
I got your book and watched your video and I have a question. When I installed Ubuntu 16.04 under Virtual Box, I created a filter for the Siliabs USB to UART bridge. However, I never see /dev/ttyUSB0 on my VM. In your video, you cut away and then come back stating you had to install a device driver. What was that for?

I manually issue sudo modprobe cp210x.ko and can see in dmesg that the module initializes. However, I still don't see any ttyUSB anything. I can talk to the device via COM3: (which is what Windows sees it as) being mapped to /dev/ttyS2. However, I cannot unplug the device because the connection between VirtualBox and Windows is severed and I have to re-boot to again talk to the device.

So, I have been flashing with the under Windows. But, that is getting old. I would much rather do it all within Eclipse.

Any ideas?
