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By Tom Morrison
#15746 I've received a NodeMCU development board, but haven't a clue as to how to connect to it and get something done. I have it powered by a USB cable to my MacBook Pro, but the device is not seen as a USB device. I can see its WiFi network, but cannot connect to it with a browser or telnet. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I've looked on the NodeMCU site, but simply cannot find any information about how to get started. Thanks!
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By trackerj
Tom Morrison wrote:I've received a NodeMCU development board, but haven't a clue as to how to connect to it and get something done. I have it powered by a USB cable to my MacBook Pro, but the device is not seen as a USB device. I can see its WiFi network, but cannot connect to it with a browser or telnet. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I've looked on the NodeMCU site, but simply cannot find any information about how to get started. Thanks!

I don't have in my hands a specific NodeMCU Board but when plugged it should appear in in system as a serial port.

For driver installation Seedstudio explanations might help :

For Firmware upgrade and first Blinky test you can take a look here: