My problems start with finding any AT firmware upgrade for the module. Researching this issue, I learned that there are a wide variety of firmware options from different developers that range from using AT commands to Luna scripting and they all seem to have links to GitHub sites where their latest firmware is found. However, these sites appears very different from the ones in any of videos I have seen covering updating and the GitHub sites don’t seem to have any instructions on how to use the code found there. Apparently there is a bit more to all this firmware updating cha-cha than just downloading a .bin file and pointing to it in the config tab of nodemcu-flasher and hitting the Flash button.
I am sure downloading the latest firmware from a GitHub site and flashing the firmware is all very basic stuff, but I am, as I mentioned earlier, new and totally lost in the “evolving open source” thickets where documentation doesn’t always keep up with all the improvements in the software. Are there any up to date tutorials, videos, or websites that I can go to that will help me better understand how to select, find, download, and flash firmware into the ESP8266 – especially from the code found on various GitHub sites? I am looking for some very basic “hello world” level learning opportunities that will help me better understand how absolutely little I know about the ESP8266, firmware, and software in general but can still get something up and running.