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By ac21
#10474 I just made my first post, it said i will have to wait for admin to approve, is this the way it is during all posts? This is not very efficient. There's nothing wrong with the current standard forum setup. This will cause a lot of people from not participating.
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By RichardS
#10478 Yep, its only the first one, before this was activated the SPAM was horrific and was talking hours a day to delete! Now it takes minutes, so it is actually efficient.

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By ac21
#10479 I see said the blind man....

also whats with the question during registration? "one word that would describe ESP8266"
I first put good, that didn't work, then i had to Google for a while and found a twitter post with a was confusing also, i saw it said #wifi so i put that in. i guess it worked. what is it looking for? whats wrong with 3 + 3?
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By RichardS
#10480 Many SPAM accounts are created by real people, when it was simple we got too many SPAMMERS.... People that really want to be here, as you must, will put the extra effort in.... I will add "good" to the list.... there are 100 correct answers.
