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By sza2
#10307 Hi,

Recently I'm unable to start the firmware loaded to the attached SPI flash. It is an ESP-03 module, which was working until now. First I measured the levels on GPIO15, GPIO2 and GPIO0 (L, H, H), which seems correct.

I can download the image by without any problem by pulling GPIO0 to low.

I set the serial port to 74880 to see the bootloader messages - it prints the loaded segments addresses and lengths correctly. I compared with image_info, image_info and boot messages reports the same.

Boot messages begin with "ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:1, boot mode:(3,2)" - boot mode (3) seems correct.

I also connected GPIO 15, GPIO2 and GPIO0 to various levels, "boot mode( x,y)" changes correspondingly (I don't know what "y" means though, but lower 3 bits 'x' show the level of the GPIOs)

The only thing I remember to happened is that I moved the module from room temperature (~22C) to outside (~0C) when it stopped working.

I re-soldered all pins on the board (ICs, passives) - no success.

Could anyone give some advices what else can I check?


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By sza2
#11747 It seems the problem caused by the SPI flash. Replacing the flash solved the boot issue.

However it's sill not clear what kind of damage makes possible to write the flash through ESP8266 but reject booting from the flash.
