I wanted to create a server which sends data to thingspeak. Source code here https://github.com/ok1cdj/ESP8266-LUA
I connected my ESP-01 to a development board, flashed nodemcu firmware and then uploaded the code.
First ESP: I soldered a 10k resistor from CH-PD to 3v3, and connected to FTDI to USB chip, which after 2 minutes in flashing mode, it stopped working. The red led is still on but nothing happens, no data sent, not recognized by the Lua Uploader.
Second ESP: I connected to the development board, CH-PD pulled high from the board. Flashed like a charm, worked like a charm connected to development board.
When I tried to connect the ESP to a power supply 3v3 (measured and reliable), I created a short when connecting CH-PD to VCC.
Second burned chip. I don't know what the problem is and I have only one chip left. Before it worked and all the info says to connect CH-PD to VCC to enable chip.
I saw a guy on youtube who did the same, powered from 2 AA batteries and I think it only had a capacitor between power supply and connected CH-PD to VCC with a 10k Resistor.
Whats the solution for me?