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By charlie
#14051 Hello,
Hoping for some guidance on getting started using Tuan's espduino firmware on the ESP8266. I'd like to use an Arduino + Espduino to post MQTT messages, eventually. But first, some questions about how get started.

In the Espduino github, the first step is to download the Espduino firmware onto the ESP8266. Tuan provides a tool called "", that does the firmware change.

Code: Select allesp8266/tools/ -p COM1 write_flash 0x00000 esp8266/release/0x00000.bin 0x40000 esp8266/release/0x40000.bin

Let's say you run this from a Raspberry Pi. How do you find out which port to use for the serial-ttl usb converter? COM1 is just an example right?

Is my understanding correct that once you've loaded Tuan's firmware onto the ESP8266, it's pretty much ready to interface with an Arduino using the espduino.h library? If I use an Arduino that's using 3.3V for I/O, I don't need a level converter right?

If you've gone this route, I'd a appreciate any advice you might have for me. I've read issues with the "SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE", but I'm not clear on what it means.
