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By shodanx
#14213 Is it possible to flash the esp8266 over wifi ? I'm going to have some of them in hard to access location but I would like to be able to keep updating the firmware.

Has anyone tried this before ? I've seen lots of people try to program an arduino from the esp8266 but that's not what I want to do here.

I tried searching but I can't find it, links to other pages about this would be appreciated. If there is no where else this has been discussed, then this thread can become the starting point for this discussion.

Thanks !
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By cal
shodanx wrote:Is it possible to flash the esp8266 over wifi ? I'm going to have some of them in hard to access location but I would like to be able to keep updating the firmware.

Has anyone tried this before ? I've seen lots of people try to program an arduino from the esp8266 but that's not what I want to do here.

I tried searching but I can't find it, links to other pages about this would be appreciated. If there is no where else this has been discussed, then this thread can become the starting point for this discussion.

Thanks !


I think the frankenstein firmware has ota update support, search for: ota updates frankenstein
