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By sanjat
#22495 I want to use ESP8266 to control the home appliances for a product. But, in order to certify products controlling or dealing with home appliances, it needs certifications. Certification that are governed by the standard ISO-60730.
The ISO-60730 specifies three types of LIBRARY CLASS ( CLASS A/B/C) depending upon the way the home appliances are controlled.
Basically, I want to control home appliances through ESP8266 and not by using any other slave microcontroller (If another slave controller is required than I think I can implement the CLASS C library on the slave microcontroller).
Some portion of the SAFETY LIBRARY are called from the startup process, but in ESP8266 SDK we don't have the access to startup file.

Please guide how to implement it? What ESPRESSIF guys can help? Are they interested in implementing the libraries and provide the API's?

With Regards