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By unkownuser12345
#44983 My ESP8226 drops its network connection when running a web server. Before the web server spins up, mDNS is utilized to locate a service on the network. After the service is discovered, the web server spins up. However, you can only connect to the web server about 10 % of the time. The other 90%, you can not connect to the web server. Additionally, when pinging the Huzzah on the network, the destination host becomes unreachable (this is what leads me to believe its dropping its network connection). Now, when the mDNS code is commented out, connecting to the web server and pinging the device on the network returns approximately 100% connectivity. Has any one run into the issue of poor connectivity with running a web server and mdns or any variation thereof? If so, how were the issue resolved/reasons attributed for poor connectivity?