I am trying to design IOT system based on MQTT and ESP8266. It's very simple project to read the digital input inside of main loop and publish a message to a broker if input's state changed.
But my ESP8266 is working unstable. I am using Arduino IDE to program ESP8266. I have UART to USB converter to communucate with ESP. Everything is looking ok at first run of the code. But after few minutes my esp8266 is heating up and sending an error message to me from serial port.
I am gonna add the code and fault messages below. I can receiving the messages firsttime but after some errors is occuring. I am sorry about my bad english. Any suggestions or informations about the error s will be great...
And thanks in advance...
Here is the code:
Basic ESP8266 MQTT example
This sketch demonstrates the capabilities of the pubsub library in combination
with the ESP8266 board/library.
It connects to an MQTT server then:
- publishes "hello world" to the topic "outTopic" every two seconds
- subscribes to the topic "inTopic", printing out any messages
it receives. NB - it assumes the received payloads are strings not binary
- If the first character of the topic "inTopic" is an 1, switch ON the ESP Led,
else switch it off
It will reconnect to the server if the connection is lost using a blocking
reconnect function. See the 'mqtt_reconnect_nonblocking' example for how to
achieve the same result without blocking the main loop.
To install the ESP8266 board, (using Arduino 1.6.4+):
- Add the following 3rd party board manager under "File -> Preferences -> Additional Boards Manager URLs":
- Open the "Tools -> Board -> Board Manager" and click install for the ESP8266"
- Select your ESP8266 in "Tools -> Board"
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
// Update these with values suitable for your network.
const char* ssid = "Connectify-nr";
const char* password = "cisumyj3";
const char* mqtt_server = "test.mosquitto.org";
WiFiClient espClient;
PubSubClient client(espClient);
long lastMsg = 0;
char msg[50];
int value = 0;
void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {
Serial.print("Message arrived [");
Serial.print("] ");
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// Switch on the LED if an 1 was received as first character
if ((char)payload[0] == '1') {
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, LOW); // Turn the LED on (Note that LOW is the voltage level
// but actually the LED is on; this is because
// it is acive low on the ESP-01)
} else {
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, HIGH); // Turn the LED off by making the voltage HIGH
void setup_wifi() {
// We start by connecting to a WiFi network
Serial.print("Connecting to ");
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected");
Serial.println("IP address: ");
void setup() {
pinMode(BUILTIN_LED, OUTPUT); // Initialize the BUILTIN_LED pin as an output
client.setServer(mqtt_server, 1883);
Serial.println("Setup has been completed");
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, LOW);
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, LOW);
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, LOW);
void reconnect() {
// Loop until we're reconnected
while (!client.connected()) {
Serial.print("Attempting MQTT connection...");
// Attempt to connect
if (client.connect("ESP8266Client")) {
// Once connected, publish an announcement...
client.publish("topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon", "hello world");
// ... and resubscribe
} else {
Serial.print("failed, rc=");
Serial.println(" try again in 5 seconds");
// Wait 5 seconds before retrying
void loop() {
if (!client.connected()) {
long now = millis();
if (now - lastMsg > 2000) {
lastMsg = now;
snprintf (msg, 75, "hello world #%ld", value);
Serial.print("Publish message: ");
client.publish("topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon", msg);
And here is everything after I open the serial port with fault codes:
Publish message: hello world #4
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #4
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #5
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #5
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #6
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #6
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #7
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #7
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #8
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #8
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #9
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #9
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #10
Publish message: hello world #11
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #12
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #12
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #13
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #13
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #14
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #14
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #15
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #15
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #16
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #16
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #17
Publish message: hello world #18
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #17
Publish message: hello world #19
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #20
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #20
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #21
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #21
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #22
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #22
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #23
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #23
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #24
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #24
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #25
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #25
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #26
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #26
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #27
Message arrived [topic/iot/2177800/1206/telefon] hello world #27
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #28
Publish message: hello world #29
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Attempting MQTT connection...connected
Publish message: hello world #30
Publish message: hello world #31
Attempting MQTT connection...
Soft WDT reset
ctx: cont
sp: 3ffefb10 end: 3ffefd70 offset: 01b0
3ffefcc0: 3ffe859c 00000000 3ffeeb08 4020202f
3ffefcd0: 00000000 3ffeeb04 3ffeeb08 40202939
3ffefce0: 514d0400 00045454 3ffe8504 402039c0
3ffefcf0: 00000000 3ffe8508 00000000 3ffeed48
3ffefd00: 3fffdc20 3ffeeb04 3ffeed14 3ffeed48
3ffefd10: 3fffdc20 3ffeeb04 3ffeed14 402029bc
3ffefd20: 00000000 00000000 3ffeed14 40203a48
3ffefd30: 00000000 3ffeeb04 3ffeed14 40201aa1
3ffefd40: 3fffdc20 3ffeeb04 3ffeed40 40201b2e
3ffefd50: 3fffdc20 00000000 3ffeed40 402035b9
3ffefd60: 00000000 00000000 3ffeed50 40100114
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,0)
load 0x4010f000, len 1264, room 16
tail 0
chksum 0x42
csum 0x42
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,0)
wdt reset
load 0x4010f000, len 1264, room 16
tail 0
chksum 0x42
csum 0x42
Connecting to Connectify-nr
Exception (9):
epc1=0x40101956 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x4020f1e6 depc=0x00000000
ctx: sys
sp: 3ffff310 end: 3fffffb0 offset: 01a0
3ffff4b0: 04000002 3feffe00 6cdda75a de2015e8
3ffff4c0: 9a21e9e2 3163bfe6 5459cd82 11ec80e0
3ffff4d0: 1b76b49e c656f213 c40c6e37 4010195f
3ffff4e0: 40101940 3fffc100 00000000 00000009
3ffff4f0: 00000009 40101956 107db76a e64148ba
3ffff500: 400005e1 40756671 e34d977d bdceca8c
3ffff510: 9a21e9e2 00000033 0000001c 0ad80ee4
3ffff520: 4020f1e6 4022c400 40101956 00000000
3ffff530: 00000000 4020f1e6 00000000 000000a0
3ffff540: 0000001a 00000018 04000102 00000000
3ffff550: 4020f1e6 00000000 00000000 00000009
3ffff560: 097ba59f 813944f4 df5c009d d54f0eee
3ffff570: d8ee4136 fd8d6a35 c0e73d33 55a1a248
3ffff580: 110356d9 ae501be0 01ed3ad8 770b2abc
3ffff590: 88cf2678 6961253e cf93930a 6f434ea6
3ffff5a0: efff5b90 23a14ff1 2d391583 7e499ea4
3ffff5b0: e406ba19 d1a3219a e458de50 78df0e8f
3ffff5c0: 91005dae 0a7ec706 3643805d ca6b0f0c
3ffff5d0: 4a2a38cb 4020f1d3 00000000 4020f1e6
3ffff5e0: 00000000 6cdab428 10bec589 7cff151e
3ffff5f0: 4022c3f0 00000009 00000001 fbf8ffff
3ffff600: 04000002 3feffe00 1adc2622 002435a8
3ffff610: 9a21e9e2 5aba462a cf456ce1 3b8f8649
3ffff620: c404bfa4 e4f54750 c83e6605 4010195f
3ffff630: 40101940 3fffc100 00000000 00000009
3ffff640: 00000009 40101956 9a883fd9 64185923
3ffff650: 400005e1 c3088ea2 20929fb7 c8815a3c
3ffff660: 9a21e9e2 00000033 0000001c ae53d161
3ffff670: 4020f1e6 4022c400 40101956 00000000
3ffff680: 00000000 4020f1e6 00000000 000000a0
3ffff690: 0000001a 00000018 04000102 00000000
3ffff6a0: 4020f1e6 00000000 00000000 00000009
3ffff6b0: 9a18f980 1f2d4399 b04f0b70 32b0aae2
3ffff6c0: 0920fd05 4da52122 18db8322 6b7bf4de
3ffff6d0: d01cb5dd f320610a 4707fd9f e2df96e6
3ffff6e0: 72adbb0f 5e09d1ba 0cbb7428 a8dc76b3
3ffff6f0: 978000d3 7c71e6b8 dbc712b5 729507ab
3ffff700: 35d5323f 4c514487 434ff32f af1068c3
3ffff710: e88cfb54 f5ba7290 80b6031e 04026d60
3ffff720: d2f2e9bb 4020f1d3 00000000 4020f1e6
3ffff730: 00000000 de9546e7 2fa48f12 8f7b2615
3ffff740: 4022c3f0 00000009 00000001 fbf8ffff
3ffff750: 04000002 3feffe00 80458cad 8568165a
3ffff760: 9a21e9e2 b7f09906 8cf2afe7 bebc3709
3ffff770: 306aa92b acd8d8e1 c926c3b9 4010195f
3ffff780: 40101940 3fffc100 00000000 00000009
3ffff790: 00000009 40101956 adba7eb5 007903c6
3ffff7a0: 400005e1 58f96276 046ec63d 8d84fdd7
3ffff7b0: 9a21e9e2 00000033 0000001c 91819d35
3ffff7c0: 4020f1e6 4022c400 40101956 00000000
3ffff7d0: 00000000 4020f1e6 00000000 000000a0
3ffff7e0: 0000001a 00000018 04000102 00000000
3ffff7f0: 4020f1e6 00000000 00000000 00000009
3ffff800: ded03b8a 94423113 219a7247 212525cd
3ffff810: bc2fc63a 0a6470f8 c1c4c679 2b108691
3ffff820: 2dd8f43a 98d4d036 ed953283 e5522884
3ffff830: d3085238 befd4dbe ed46de46 bd56b775
3ffff840: 6ead01fd 9b5cf895 433eb6b9 5d195fcb
3ffff850: 17dc7c91 f77f413f 248234ca 592692d5
3ffff860: 71fe1253 2e204d95 92ef1a70 5d795cad
3ffff870: ca275d23 4020f1d3 00000000 4020f1e6
3ffff880: 00000000 00a700a0 1dcca820 4340a859
3ffff890: 4022c3f0 00000009 00000001 fbf8ffff
3ffff8a0: 04000002 3feffe00 47337dfa 28eeebc6
3ffff8b0: 9a21e9e2 b0487d2d bed19410 e1b33dfb
3ffff8c0: 93177fed 760a0e68 f6c8b8c9 4010195f
3ffff8d0: 40101940 3fffc100 00000000 00000009
3ffff8e0: 00000009 40101956 16f3d37f 5894fb5b
3ffff8f0: 400005e1 3ffecd18 fee48b34 5b7dcd0d
3ffff900: 9a21e9e2 00000033 0000001c 401046b4
3ffff910: 4020f1e6 4022c400 40101956 00000000
3ffff920: 00000000 4020f1e6 00000000 000000a0
3ffff930: 0000001a 00000018 04000102 00000000
3ffff940: 4020f1e6 00000000 00000000 00000009
3ffff950: 00000000 004a02b2 00000000 3ffe9a90
3ffff960: 4000050c 3fffc278 40104880 3fffc200
3ffff970: 00000022 00000000 3ffff9f2 4021bbfa
3ffff980: 4000b0b4 00000030 0000001b ffffffff
3ffff990: 480d3000 b71ef04f 2895e77c 5ae4c64c
3ffff9a0: 3c3ae775 1909e8b2 8b41012d ec7f35c9
3ffff9b0: 079acdb7 c80d3089 8f5cc7ae 6eef9c73
3ffff9c0: 3f313d3b 4020f1d3 00000000 4020f1e6
3ffff9d0: 00000000 ffffffff 06f11802 154aaf7b
3ffff9e0: 4022c3f0 00000009 00000001 fbf8ffff
3ffff9f0: 04000002 3feffe00 00000000 40006545
3ffffa00: 9a21e9e2 00504515 3ffedf20 401046b4
3ffffa10: 3ffe9a90 00000000 00000000 4010195f
3ffffa20: 40101940 3fffc100 00000000 00000009
3ffffa30: 00000009 40101956 3ffe9a90 00000001
3ffffa40: 400005e1 00000000 00000000 40104866
3ffffa50: 9a21e9e2 00000033 0000001c 3ffe9a9c
3ffffa60: 4020f1e6 4022c400 40101956 00000000
3ffffa70: 00000000 4020f1e6 00000000 000000a0
3ffffa80: 0000001a 00000018 04000102 00000000
3ffffa90: 4020f1e6 00000000 00000000 00000009
3ffffaa0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3ffffab0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3ffffac0: f3ca7e1b db79c91c ce697341 54826845
3ffffad0: 85702967 dc4308ea 51f0a84c e2ae2d72
3ffffae0: 93b0840f c43b9f25 cfd6e0b7 e59b6974
3ffffaf0: 4000b5f9 00000008 00000038 3ffffbd0
3ffffb00: 00000008 3ffffbd0 85322d24 a382efc1
3ffffb10: ff49f187 4020f1d3 00000000 4020f1e6
3ffffb20: 00000000 eaf41158 07865287 be61f285
3ffffb30: 4022c3f0 00000009 00000001 fbf8ffff
3ffffb40: 04000002 3feffe00 7a3e39a5 5b0595b1
3ffffb50: 9a21e9e2 4a33f246 fd27c35d f40682ba
3ffffb60: a0051104 aeb86d08 8581628c 4010195f
3ffffb70: 40101940 3fffc100 00000000 00000009
3ffffb80: 00000009 40101956 28c8fa85 c05661a7
3ffffb90: 400005e1 3ffffbd0 3ffffda0 ffffffff
3ffffba0: 9a21e9e2 00000033 0000001c 80bdefa4
3ffffbb0: 4020f1e6 4022c410 40101956 00000000
3ffffbc0: 00000000 0941f911 00000000 000000a0
3ffffbd0: 0000001a 00000018 04000102 00000000
3ffffbe0: 0941f911 00000000 00000000 00000009
3ffffbf0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3ffffc00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3ffffc10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3ffffc20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 3ffffcb0
3ffffc30: 4000ba18 3ffffcb0 00000001 3ffee02b
3ffffc40: 3ffffda0 00000000 00000000 00000000
3ffffc50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 3ffffce0
3ffffc60: 4000ba18 4020f1d3 00000000 0941f911
3ffffc70: 00000000 6f362531 5c5c5c5c 5c5c5c5c
3ffffc80: 4022c3f0 0000001c 00000001 fbf8ffff
3ffffc90: 04000002 3feffe00 5c5c5c5c 5c5c5c5c
3ffffca0: 5c5c5c5c 4000df2f 5c5c5c5c 5c5c5c5c
3ffffcb0: 3ffffc70 3ffffda0 5c5c5c5c 4010195f
3ffffcc0: 40101940 3fffc100 3fff06a0 0000001c
3ffffcd0: 0000001c 40101956 5c5c5c5c 5c5c5c5c
3ffffce0: 400005e1 3ffffd80 3ffffd70 00000000
3ffffcf0: 4000df2f 00000030 0000001c 3ffffe04
3ffffd00: 400018bc 3ffed19a 0941f911 0000000d
3ffffd10: 3ffed19a 00000003 3ffffe10 00000018
3ffffd20: 00000020 000000c0 00000480 0000000d
3ffffd30: 3ffed198 3fff06a0 3ffede24 0000001c
3ffffd40: 3ffee02b 00000008 3ffffd80 00000014
3ffffd50: 4000b7fa 000001ff 40212f8f 00000001
3ffffd60: ffffffff 00000000 3ffe9331 00000008
3ffffd70: 40212fda 3ffecb60 3ffecb60 3fff06a0
3ffffd80: 3ffede24 0000003c 40103a4b 3ffecb60
3ffffd90: 00000000 00000000 00000020 4010393b
3ffffda0: 40212520 3ffecb60 3ffed9e0 3fff0938
3ffffdb0: 4021ff25 3ffecb60 3ffecb60 3fffc200
3ffffdc0: 000005e0 00000020 40102170 3ffe8de0
3ffffdd0: 000005e0 00000020 40102170 3ffe8de0
3ffffde0: 0000003c 00000000 3ffec9a8 00000047
3ffffdf0: 4022043b 40103112 3ffe8de0 3ffe8db0
3ffffe00: 40220948 00000000 3ffec9a8 4010393b
3ffffe10: 3ffed198 3ffeccf0 3ffe8db0 00000001
3ffffe20: 40104525 40222569 3fff06a0 00000002
3ffffe30: 00000003 0056e6fb 3ffee4d0 40222824
3ffffe40: 3fff06a0 00000002 00000003 00000000
3ffffe50: 3ffedfa8 00000000 40104ace 00000100
3ffffe60: 3ffe9a9c 7fffffff 3ffe9a9c 00000001
3ffffe70: 00000001 000004f2 3ffe98b0 00000000
3ffffe80: 00000000 0056e6fb 53000000 40222b3e
3ffffe90: 000000b0 3fff06a0 3ffeba10 3ffeba2e
3ffffea0: 00000000 3ffede24 00000000 00000000
3ffffeb0: 40222e9e 00000030 0000001c ffffffff
3ffffec0: 40000f58 00000000 00000020 00000000
3ffffed0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3ffffee0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3ffffef0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3fffff00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3fffff10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3fffff20: 0000001d 00000000 3fff0e10 402229d6
3fffff30: 3ffeccf0 3fff06a0 00000000 3ffee4d0
3fffff40: 3ffeccf0 00000000 3ffeba04 3ffeba10
3fffff50: 3ffeba10 00000022 00000000 0000001d
3fffff60: 00000000 ffffffff 40212961 3ffeccf0
3fffff70: 3ffeba04 000000f5 3ffe9318 3ffe9318
3fffff80: 000000b0 3ffeccf0 3fffdab0 00000000
3fffff90: 4021230c 3fffdab0 00000000 3fffdcc0
3fffffa0: 3ffe9318 40000f49 3fffdab0 40000f49
Exception (4):
epc1=0x400005cb epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x4020f1e6 depc=0x00000000
ctx: sys
sp: 3ffff110 end: 3fffffb0 offset: 01a0
3ffff2b0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 3ffff240
3ffff2c0: 4020c63f 3feffe00 3fffffb0 3fffffb0
3ffff2d0: 00000020 4020c5e3 3ffff4b0 402011fa
3ffff2e0: 00000002 00000009 40101956 00000000
3ffff2f0: 00000000 4020f1e6 00000000 4020120f
3ffff300: 3ffff4b0 fffffff7 a037648c 4020120c
3ffff310: 00000020 6fe32177 9501a20e c3385316
3ffff320: 00000002 00000009 40101956 00000000
3ffff330: 00000000 4020f1e6 00000000 4020f1e6
3ffff340: 0000003c 45707b69 394a64d1 5bc8b524
3ffff350: 4022c400 40101956 00000000 00000000
3ffff360: 00000000 4020f1e6 00000000 4020f209
3ffff370: 00000002 00000009 40101956 00000000
3ffff380: 00000000 4020f1e6 00000000 4010195f
3ffff390: 40101940 3fffc100 00000000 00000009
3ffff3a0: 00000009 40101956 1e6e7b34 d6ed9c5b
3ffff3b0: 400005e1 7fafb826 ef8d9415 ee4bbaa5
3ffff3c0: 9a21e9e2 00000033 0000001c 8e2204f0
3ffff3d0: 4020f1e6 4022c400 40101956 00000000
3ffff3e0: 00000000 4020f1e6 00000000 000000a0
3ffff3f0: 0000001a 00000018 04000102 00000000
3ffff400: 4020f1e6 00000000 00000000 00000009
3ffff410: 4040edd3 14f49a40 ab5811ad f638c13a
3ffff420: efc50dac 4abe0cf0 03b969f0 bb286bf6
3ffff430: 3d8e40f5 7ab235ca 6d6c0934 219ba567
3ffff440: 2ca9c044 cadf057b f26d723b 9ea04af8
3ffff450: a720ab79 c2542049 7c190726 8c146ade
3ffff460: 2081ca6f 998deede 71a9b6ce 3ed57a8c
3ffff470: 7eb9bbcf aa3e79c4 da623739 1c2dca67
3ffff480: 28cefe71 4020f1d3 00000000 4020f1e6
3ffff490: 00000000 a0ed5803 88459915 ab4cd907
3ffff4a0: 4022c3f0 00000009 00000001 fbf8ffff
3ffff4b0: 04000002 3feffe00 6cdda75a de2015e8
3ffff4c0: 9a21e9e2 3163bfe6 5459cd82 11ec80e0
3ffff4d0: 1b76b49e c656f213 c40c6e37 4010195f
3ffff4e0: 40101940 3fffc100 00000000 00000009
3ffff4f0: 00000009 40101956 107db76a e64148ba
3ffff500: 400005e1 40756671 e34d977d bdceca8c
3ffff510: 9a21e9e2 00000033 0000001c 0ad80ee4
3ffff520: 4020f1e6 4022c400 40101956 00000000
3ffff530: 00000000 4020f1e6 00000000 000000a0
3ffff540: 0000001a 00000018 04000102 00000000
3ffff550: 4020f1e6 00000000 00000000 00000009
3ffff560: 097ba59f 813944f4 df5c009d d54f0eee
3ffff570: d8ee4136 fd8d6a35 c0e73d33 55a1a248
3ffff580: 110356d9 ae501be0 01ed3ad8 770b2abc
3ffff590: 88cf2678 6961253e cf93930a 6f434ea6
3ffff5a0: efff5b90 23a14ff1 2d391583 7e499ea4
3ffff5b0: e406ba19 d1a3219a e458de50 78df0e8f
3ffff5c0: 91005dae 0a7ec706 3643805d ca6b0f0c
3ffff5d0: 4a2a38cb 4020f1d3 00000000 4020f1e6
3ffff5e0: 00000000 6cdab428 10bec589 7cff151e
3ffff5f0: 4022c3f0 00000009 00000001 fbf8ffff
3ffff600: 04000002 3feffe00 1adc2622 002435a8
3ffff610: 9a21e9e2 5aba462a cf456ce1 3b8f8649
3ffff620: c404bfa4 e4f54750 c83e6605 4010195f
3ffff630: 40101940 3fffc100 00000000 00000009
3ffff640: 00000009 40101956 9a883fd9 64185923
3ffff650: 400005e1 c3088ea2 20929fb7 c8815a3c
3ffff660: 9a21e9e2 00000033 0000001c ae53d161
3ffff670: 4020f1e6 4022c400 40101956 00000000
3ffff680: 00000000 4020f1e6 00000000 000000a0
3ffff690: 0000001a 00000018 04000102 00000000
3ffff6a0: 4020f1e6 00000000 00000000 00000009
3ffff6b0: 9a18f980 1f2d4399 b04f0b70 32b0aae2
3ffff6c0: 0920fd05 4da52122 18db8322 6b7bf4de
3ffff6d0: d01cb5dd f320610a 4707fd9f e2df96e6
3ffff6e0: 72adbb0f 5e09d1ba 0cbb7428 a8dc76b3
3ffff6f0: 978000d3 7c71e6b8 dbc712b5 729507ab
3ffff700: 35d5323f 4c514487 434ff32f af1068c3
3ffff710: e88cfb54 f5ba7290 80b6031e 04026d60
3ffff720: d2f2e9bb 4020f1d3 00000000 4020f1e6
3ffff730: 00000000 de9546e7 2fa48f12 8f7b2615
3ffff740: 4022c3f0 00000009 00000001 fbf8ffff
3ffff750: 04000002 3feffe00 80458cad 8568165a
3ffff760: 9a21e9e2 b7f09906 8cf2afe7 bebc3709
3ffff770: 306aa92b acd8d8e1 c926c3b9 4010195f
3ffff780: 40101940 3fffc100 00000000 00000009
3ffff790: 00000009 40101956 adba7eb5 007903c6
3ffff7a0: 400005e1 58f96276 046ec63d 8d84fdd7
3ffff7b0: 9a21e9e2 00000033 0000001c 91819d35
3ffff7c0: 4020f1e6 4022c400 40101956 00000000
3ffff7d0: 00000000 4020f1e6 00000000 000000a0
3ffff7e0: 0000001a 00000018 04000102 00000000
3ffff7f0: 4020f1e6 00000000 00000000 00000009
3ffff800: ded03b8a 94423113 219a7247 212525cd
3ffff810: bc2fc63a 0a6470f8 c1c4c679 2b108691
3ffff820: 2dd8f43a 98d4d036 ed953283 e5522884
3ffff830: d3085238 befd4dbe ed46de46 bd56b775
3ffff840: 6ead01fd 9b5cf895 433eb6b9 5d195fcb
3ffff850: 17dc7c91 f77f413f 248234ca 592692d5
3ffff860: 71fe1253 2e204d95 92ef1a70 5d795cad
3ffff870: ca275d23 4020f1d3 00000000 4020f1e6
3ffff880: 00000000 00a700a0 1dcca820 4340a859
3ffff890: 4022c3f0 00000009 00000001 fbf8ffff
3ffff8a0: 04000002 3feffe00 47337dfa 28eeebc6
3ffff8b0: 9a21e9e2 b0487d2d bed19410 e1b33dfb
3ffff8c0: 93177fed 760a0e68 f6c8b8c9 4010195f
3ffff8d0: 40101940 3fffc100 00000000 00000009
3ffff8e0: 00000009 40101956 16f3d37f 5894fb5b
3ffff8f0: 400005e1 3ffecd18 fee48b34 5b7dcd0d
3ffff900: 9a21e9e2 00000033 0000001c 401046b4
3ffff910: 4020f1e6 4022c400 40101956 00000000
3ffff920: 00000000 4020f1e6 00000000 000000a0
3ffff930: 0000001a 00000018 04000102 00000000
3ffff940: 4020f1e6 00000000 00000000 00000009
3ffff950: 00000000 004a02b2 00000000 3ffe9a90
3ffff960: 4000050c 3fffc278 40104880 3fffc200
3ffff970: 00000022 00000000 3ffff9f2 4021bbfa
3ffff980: 4000b0b4 00000030 0000001b ffffffff
3ffff990: 480d3000 b71ef04f 2895e77c 5ae4c64c
3ffff9a0: 3c3ae775 1909e8b2 8b41012d ec7f35c9
3ffff9b0: 079acdb7 c80d3089 8f5cc7ae 6eef9c73
3ffff9c0: 3f313d3b 4020f1d3 00000000 4020f1e6
3ffff9d0: 00000000 ffffffff 06f11802 154aaf7b
3ffff9e0: 4022c3f0 00000009 00000001 fbf8ffff
3ffff9f0: 04000002 3feffe00 00000000 40006545
3ffffa00: 9a21e9e2 00504515 3ffedf20 401046b4
3ffffa10: 3ffe9a90 00000000 00000000 4010195f
3ffffa20: 40101940 3fffc100 00000000 00000009
3ffffa30: 00000009 40101956 3ffe9a90 00000001
3ffffa40: 400005e1 00000000 00000000 40104866
3ffffa50: 9a21e9e2 00000033 0000001c 3ffe9a9c
3ffffa60: 4020f1e6 4022c400 40101956 00000000
3ffffa70: 00000000 4020f1e6 00000000 000000a0
3ffffa80: 0000001a 00000018 04000102 00000000
3ffffa90: 4020f1e6 00000000 00000000 00000009
3ffffaa0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3ffffab0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3ffffac0: f3ca7e1b db79c91c ce697341 54826845
3ffffad0: 85702967 dc4308ea 51f0a84c e2ae2d72
3ffffae0: 93b0840f c43b9f25 cfd6e0b7 e59b6974
3ffffaf0: 4000b5f9 00000008 00000038 3ffffbd0
3ffffb00: 00000008 3ffffbd0 85322d24 a382efc1
3ffffb10: ff49f187 4020f1d3 00000000 4020f1e6
3ffffb20: 00000000 eaf41158 07865287 be61f285
3ffffb30: 4022c3f0 00000009 00000001 fbf8ffff
3ffffb40: 04000002 3feffe00 7a3e39a5 5b0595b1
3ffffb50: 9a21e9e2 4a33f246 fd27c35d f40682ba
3ffffb60: a0051104 aeb86d08 8581628c 4010195f
3ffffb70: 40101940 3fffc100 00000000 00000009
3ffffb80: 00000009 40101956 28c8fa85 c05661a7
3ffffb90: 400005e1 3ffffbd0 3ffffda0 ffffffff
3ffffba0: 9a21e9e2 00000033 0000001c 80bdefa4
3ffffbb0: 4020f1e6 4022c410 40101956 00000000
3ffffbc0: 00000000 0941f911 00000000 000000a0
3ffffbd0: 0000001a 00000018 04000102 00000000
3ffffbe0: 0941f911 00000000 00000000 00000009
3ffffbf0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3ffffc00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3ffffc10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3ffffc20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 3ffffcb0
3ffffc30: 4000ba18 3ffffcb0 00000001 3ffee02b
3ffffc40: 3ffffda0 00000000 00000000 00000000
3ffffc50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 3ffffce0
3ffffc60: 4000ba18 4020f1d3 00000000 0941f911
3ffffc70: 00000000 6f362531 5c5c5c5c 5c5c5c5c
3ffffc80: 4022c3f0 0000001c 00000001 fbf8ffff
3ffffc90: 04000002 3feffe00 5c5c5c5c 5c5c5c5c
3ffffca0: 5c5c5c5c 4000df2f 5c5c5c5c 5c5c5c5c
3ffffcb0: 3ffffc70 3ffffda0 5c5c5c5c 4010195f
3ffffcc0: 40101940 3fffc100 3fff06a0 0000001c
3ffffcd0: 0000001c 40101956 5c5c5c5c 5c5c5c5c
3ffffce0: 400005e1 3ffffd80 3ffffd70 00000000
3ffffcf0: 4000df2f 00000030 0000001c 3ffffe04
3ffffd00: 400018bc 3ffed19a 0941f911 0000000d
3ffffd10: 3ffed19a 00000003 3ffffe10 00000018
3ffffd20: 00000020 000000c0 00000480 0000000d
3ffffd30: 3ffed198 3fff06a0 3ffede24 0000001c
3ffffd40: 3ffee02b 00000008 3ffffd80 00000014
3ffffd50: 4000b7fa 000001ff 40212f8f 00000001
3ffffd60: ffffffff 00000000 3ffe9331 00000008
3ffffd70: 40212fda 3ffecb60 3ffecb60 3fff06a0
3ffffd80: 3ffede24 0000003c 40103a4b 3ffecb60
3ffffd90: 00000000 00000000 00000020 4010393b
3ffffda0: 40212520 3ffecb60 3ffed9e0 3fff0938
3ffffdb0: 4021ff25 3ffecb60 3ffecb60 3fffc200
3ffffdc0: 000005e0 00000020 40102170 3ffe8de0
3ffffdd0: 000005e0 00000020 40102170 3ffe8de0
3ffffde0: 0000003c 00000000 3ffec9a8 00000047
3ffffdf0: 4022043b 40103112 3ffe8de0 3ffe8db0
3ffffe00: 40220948 00000000 3ffec9a8 4010393b
3ffffe10: 3ffed198 3ffeccf0 3ffe8db0 00000001
3ffffe20: 40104525 40222569 3fff06a0 00000002
3ffffe30: 00000003 0056e6fb 3ffee4d0 40222824
3ffffe40: 3fff06a0 00000002 00000003 00000000
3ffffe50: 3ffedfa8 00000000 40104ace 00000100
3ffffe60: 3ffe9a9c 7fffffff 3ffe9a9c 00000001
3ffffe70: 00000001 000004f2 3ffe98b0 00000000
3ffffe80: 00000000 0056e6fb 53000000 40222b3e
3ffffe90: 000000b0 3fff06a0 3ffeba10 3ffeba2e
3ffffea0: 00000000 3ffede24 00000000 00000000
3ffffeb0: 40222e9e 00000030 0000001c ffffffff
3ffffec0: 40000f58 00000000 00000020 00000000
3ffffed0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3ffffee0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3ffffef0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3fffff00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3fffff10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
3fffff20: 0000001d 00000000 3fff0e10 402229d6
3fffff30: 3ffeccf0 3fff06a0 00000000 3ffee4d0
3fffff40: 3ffeccf0 00000000 3ffeba04 3ffeba10
3fffff50: 3ffeba10 00000022 00000000 0000001d
3fffff60: 00000000 ffffffff 40212961 3ffeccf0
3fffff70: 3ffeba04 000000f5 3ffe9318 3ffe9318
3fffff80: 000000b0 3ffeccf0 3fffdab0 00000000
3fffff90: 4021230c 3fffdab0 00000000 3fffdcc0
3fffffa0: 3ffe9318 40000f49 3fffdab0 40000f49
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,0)
wdt reset
load 0x4010f000, len 1264, room 16
tail 0
chksum 0x42
csum 0x42
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