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By schuh8
#92835 I am not a newcomer to soldering - used to make my living at it, but that was back in the day of discrete components!
Here's the problem. I am using an 8266 12F in a project. Its a prototype and I've had to solder the board onto a perfboard and desolder several times now so the board can be put in a programmer for program changes.
I know I can use OTA, but with the sleep requirement, it just gets too complex.
So what I'm looking for is some helpful suggestions on ways (tips and techniques) to solder a 12F on to a perfboard in such a way that it can be somewhat easily removed for reprogramming and then again soldered back onto the board.
Certainly someone has solved this problem
Any help greatly appreciated.
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By Bonzo
#92840 I soldered some single pin headers to TX, RX, GND and some three pin headers to to IO0 and IO15. This way you can use a jumper on the IO headers to select the 10K resistor or not. I then programmed it with a USB > FTDI converter.