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By jemamena
#11227 Hello,

I was wondering if this modules can send and receive OSC messages. I can't find any documentation about it and I think it would be very interesting if it can communicate via OSC. I am also planning to use TouchOSC with it.

Any help would be appreciate it
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By new299
#11384 It's certainly totally possible to implement OSC on the ESP8266 and some friends and me have been thinking about a project to do just that. What where you planning to control with the esp8266?
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By jemamena
#11415 I was planning to control some WS2812b strips but also to make a cheap wireless midi controller. Can you pass some example code so I can get started? I find just web-based applications with this module.
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By ameisso
#14286 Hello,

I am working on it....
For the moment, the lib is compiling and I can send some messages from the ESP to my computer.
But after a few time, I have a Fatal exception...

the code is on github : [url]
[/url] if you want to give it a try.

Antoine M*