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By silvertears
#80342 Hi there,

I've bought an ESP with attached grove connectors (see attached photo). You can see "ESP-100" and "Cloud-Linked" printed on the module. It is manufactured by a company named DOIT. Unfortunately there are no specs or drivers existing on their "Wiki"-page (see Also searching for ESP-100 doesn't lead me to important facts how to develop with this thing in Arduino IDE.

So far I already implemented some sketches with Arduino IDE for ESP NodeMCU (ESP-12E) as I'm familiar with this. I thought that working with this new board should'nt be a big thing. But I can't get it to work.

So I connected the ESP-100 to my Windows PC. It was recognized on COMx port with CH340 drivers. So far, so good.

Now uploading a sketch with Arduino IDE fails all the time as
* Generic ESP8266
* NodeMCU 0.9
* NodeMCU 1.0
* and others
are not working.

Most of the time I get errors like
espcomm_sync failed
espcomm_upload_mem failed

Also when using different baud rates a.s.o., a.s.o.

Any advice how I can be able to upload a sketch to an ESP-100? Has anyone tried to develops with an ESP-100 in Arduino IDE? What are the specs for ESP-100? Also Wikipedia is not listing this device. :roll:

I already worked through parts of this site
without success. I did not the scope or logic analyzer stuff. ;)

Maybe someone can give me a hint on this?

Best regards,

P.S. The following forum post didn't help me:
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By yeharav
#83229 Hi,

I have recently bought the same model and after a bit of work I managed to load the software to the
DOIT gove extension (ESP100) device.

What I did was the following procedure:
1. Downloaded the ESP8266 package to the arduino IDE (I use 1.8.8, but I guess any will do).
2. connected the board to my laptop using TTL-USB to the serial port of the DOIT board (upper right
gove connection).
3. Presrs FLASH button and while holding the FLASH down press and release the RESET button.
Then leave the reset button. This will enter programming mode.
4. Upload the program to the board using the generic ESP8266 module.
I used 115200 and 512k no SPIFFS but I didn't check if other settings will work as well.

Hope this helps.