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By sweg
#15889 Hi,
I have just discovered the beauty with this module and was about to try out the NodeMCU firmware. The flashing went great (using the official flasher) and startet using the ESplorer to send some code over to it. It worked and I connected to my wifi and got an address. But suddenly the connection died and I was unable (still) to talk to it via FTDI but connects to my network.

I am unable to either flash the module or talk to it. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks
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By sweg
#15920 I am using CP2102 to connect to it. The CH_PD have power from VCC.
Do you recommend using an external psu? for example the ywrobot ?
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By CheapB
sweg wrote:I am using CP2102 to connect to it. The CH_PD have power from VCC.
Do you recommend using an external psu? for example the ywrobot ?

CP2102 does not provide enough power. Do a search on this board and you will find great advice. good luck..