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By mamalala
johnyradio wrote:you mean the '89 can act as a transmitter without involving TCP/IP?

On any WiFi stick the actual protocol is done on the host machine, not the chip inside the stick. They are basically just a radio transceiver that does a few things like encryption etc., but not much more.

Speaking of which. How were any tests of the bandwidth with the '66 module done? If you use an encrypted link, this will cause overhead. Unencrypted should theoretically be the fastest.


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By johnyradio
mamalala wrote:On any WiFi stick the actual protocol is done on the host machine, not the chip inside the stick. They are basically just a radio transceiver that does a few things like encryption etc., but not much more.

i'm a little confused, the ESP chips say they contain all TCP/IP functionality on-chip.

mamalala wrote:How were any tests of the bandwidth with the '66 module done? If you use an encrypted link, this will cause overhead. Unencrypted should theoretically be the fastest.

no testing yet, still researching different chips. But yeah, for my purpose, no encryption would be used.
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By johnyradio
mamalala wrote:Because a WiFi stick has little handling of IP packages, i would guess. I would think it is more of an "raw" device. The '66 however does the whole network stack itself. TCP/IP, DNS, etc. Since the stack runs on the small chip in this case, the effective throughput would naturally be lower than what you could get by just getting/sending raw data around with no protocol stack inbetween.

I think that would be true if it was the same amount of memory, same processing power, etc. Is it? I cannot find a datasheet for the 89. My develop time is now, and the 89 appears less accessible than the 66.

Are there any other cheap chips on the market that handle only transmitter duties, and leave TCP management to the processor? (i mean transmitters specifically intended for high-speed tcp/ip WiFi scenarios).
