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By DrG
roccomuso wrote:How to flash a new firmware? anyone can write down the whole procedure?

Thanks! :|

I played with this board and wrote up a review here: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=5503
Instead of using whatever was on the board, I loaded the ArduinoIDE with no problems. If that is firmware that interests you, there is a section on the this site dedicated to installing (and using) that firmware.
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By timguy
#30533 Hello,

whenn I start the original andriod app from ai thinker provided at these drop box link the app crashes when I start on Android.
Installation is fine, when I start I see the black start screen with this blue human but shortly afterwards the app closes.
I installed on Moto G 2013 and HTC Once with Android version 5.0.2.

On which Android version do you have this app running?
Anny suggestions to see some more details for the app crash?

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By Gafar
Aonko wrote:
Hi Smoky. I have downloaded the IOT.APK from the AI-THINKER chinese forum.
You can download it from : ... yHWia?dl=0 (The permissions requested by the app are worrying).
I hope it will help...

PS: The password I had to use is "ai-thinker" (no capitals).

Call me racist but I don't trust any closed source chinese application, the binary blobs in the esp8266 are bad enough. :D Considering the NSA revelations from Snowden in the past year or so, I am sure they feel the same about us americans. :lol:

Today tested the board esp8266 with android 4.1.2 and it worked fine. I'm glad I had no problem.
I used the program posted the link above.
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By Elwood
#35691 iot.apk is working, I can turn on and off the red LEDs and fade the RGB led with my Android computer via WiFi

I bought two of these boards. While they were on the way, I started web searching for information. This thread is the best info I have found so far. If you locate a better source please post a link in this thread.

I downloaded iot.apk from below; because it had no permission forms. ... aring#list

If the above link does not paste I copied it from “here” hotlink on this web page ... australia/

I used the browser on my Android device to go to above URL. I then downloaded iot.apk , then I went to downloads, clicked to install.

There is great info in this thread;
Big hint from mrELChupacbra - The board is usually shipped jumper on both pins , single pin it to get into run mode.
Big hint from timguy – iot.apk does NOT work on his 5.0.2 device
Big hint from Gafar – iot.apk DOES work on his 4.1.2 device.
Big hint from somebody I don’t recall – on this device connect (not cross) RST to RST and TXD to TXD.
Big hint from alonewolfx2 – you don’t connect to this board with a browser

My Android 6.0 tablet will NOT run iot.apk , crashes it at start. An Android 4.2.2 tablet got it to work. My old RK stick computer, Android 4.1.1 loves iot.apk . It runs that program faster and smoother than about any game or browser. The led controls respond better than any web client control application I have used on ESP8266, Lua or Arduino.

When iot.apk works it will show the three main screens when not connected. So if it doesn’t even do that it is an Android version problem not a connection or firmware problem.

While at the “iot.apk” site listed above also download “iot.bin” . It is the original Internet Of Things firmware that shipped on my board. I could not locate any updates, English versions or source code.

I played with the board with Arduino IDE
Example: ESP8266 in Arduino 1.6.5 and chose ESP-12 . Then load the array example from the web
Change single line in the sketch-- int LedPins{} = { 2,0,4,5,14,16 } ;
Pull a battery , attached the jumper, replace battery and load into the ESP8266 development board. All the red leds blink in Knight Rider order.

After playing more in Arduino I went to a firmware loader, Not Arduino IDE. I loaded the iot.bin back to the board via firmware loader and returned to using “iot.apk” to change LEDs from WiFi.

Unless I can find updated version, English version or readable source code for iot.apk I think I will be using this board in the Arduino environment.