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By Kobi
martinayotte wrote:To get additionnal clue, maybe we need to decipher the message at bootup. It is send at 76880 baud, but not all USB-TTL Serial is able to switch at that baudrate ... What USB-TTL are you using ? (I have PL2303, it doesn't work, but my FTDI232 is working)

Im using this USB-TTL :
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By martinayotte
EspFan wrote:I've read the GPIO0 and GPIO2 pins have internal pull ups. I haven't connected them to VCC, but I'm still a newbie.

Yes, as well as many other pins, but they are so "weak" pullups that we can't really trusted them.
Even Espressif don't trusted them as mentioned in 0B-ESP8266__Hardware_User_Guide__EN_v1.1.pdf, here is what they say about CH_PD which has also an internal pullup :
There is an internal pull-up in the CHIP_EN pin, so no external pull-up is needed.
The enable pin CH_EN (pin 7) can also serve as a reset pin. If voltage for CH_EN pin is low, the chipset ESP8266EX will power off. Note that this pin cannot be dangled.