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By asz
#92768 Aha.. so the "latest" is not the latest at all... ok.
I run linux so the "normal" gcc and tools are on it..but I haven't bothered installing the SDK for esp8266 or something like that. Normally I use platformio (often with arduino framework) wich is perfect for code cheaters like me. The target hardware is an (often anyhow) ESP-01M that have 1MB of flash. Do I have to switch a lot of build flags? Otherwise precompiled is nice ;-)

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By eriksl
#92769 If you don't mind to try, it's probably sufficient to just clone the repo and type "make" ;). No need to download or install SDK's or cross tool sets.
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By asz
#92774 I tried that...and I solved a bunch of missing libraries but fails to satisfy the need of Magick++-6.Q16.
My dist have Magick++-7.Q16 available and I installed that, but tricking make into using that simply by changing 6 to 7 in the Make file did not succeed..... Now what? Any suggestions?
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By eriksl
#92776 Yes, it's required for the "espif" (external) program, I don't think you really need that at this stage, it's required for OTA and picture uploads only. You can simply do "touch espif" and it will probably continue to run.