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By hreintke
#9728 Baoshi,
Thanks for the link.
Very nice and clean implementation of i2c, your oled and other useful utilities.
I was on the point of leaving freertos due to lack of other users and (too) limited support from espressif but are reconsidering it again.
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By sej7278
Baoshi wrote:look ay my oled driver, i have i2c implementation on freertos

ah lovely, i'll be having a look at that any day now. i've just started with the freertos sdk as the regular sdk seems to be dead (or closed at least) and have gpio, uart and wifi working already. its not as difficult as i thought it might be (documentation isn't great but its not useless) and lua seems too limiting to me.
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By ficeto
hreintke wrote:I know it is software I2C.
I have seen I2C implementations in nodeMCU and several examples from espressif.
But I am using the RTOS SDK for developing my application and I am looking for the implementation using that sdk.

How does it matter what base you are using if the software I2C directly accesses the registers and those do not change location ever?
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By Baoshi
#9791 Yes it doesn't matter. The IoT SDK come with much wrapped APIs, the RTOS SDK is bare header file. I like the RTOS SDK because it is more clearly organized.
A pity is Espressif has not update the GitHub repo for months. Worrying about the future of this SDK.