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By Andeersg
#11288 Ok, now i have tried to connect everything again, and i still have the same problem. When connected to the USB-Serial board everything works. But when i switch to a 3.3V breadboard power supply it doesn't connect to the wifi or do anything else.

It lights up, so i know it get power. I have also checked that ground is connected correctly. I have ground from both ESP and ds18b20 to the minus line on the breadboard. 3.3V goes from power supply to Vcc on ESP and pin 3 of ds18b20. And then i have data-line from GPIO0 to middle pin of ds18b20.

Tx, Rx, CH_PD is not connected to anything. And between data and plus i have a resistor.

Here is my setup: Image

I don't have access to a "decoupling capacitor" right now, is that my problem?

Again, sorry for the dumb questions, electronics are hard.
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By MK1888
#11295 10uF or higher is for large current draws. A typical decoupling cap is 0.1uF, which should be placed at the pins of the ESP. The 10uF (if used) should be at the power supply.

It's possible the breadboard power supply can't source enough current.

CH_PD is supposed to be pulled high, not left floating, right?