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By QuickFix
rpiloverbd wrote:Oww I see. They do not have any office in my country. So, shipping charge will be very high if I want to use their service. I appreciate their work.

They're located in China, so that applies to the most of us.
The trick is to choose a different (the cheapest) shipping method available: by default the (almost) most expensive (DHL) option is selected. :idea:
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By davydnorris
#93076 @Bonzo - one suggestion I would make is to move the ESP module right to the edge of the board and let the antenna hang off the edge. All that copper around it will really kill your Wifi signal.

This is a board I designed and use in my sensors as an example:

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By Pablo2048
#93081 There are many design flaws in Bozo's design IMHO - not just ESP8266 location. Just from looking at the PCB I see:
1. Location of the ESP module (copper around) - read ... nes_en.pdf chapter 1.6.2
2. no blocking capacitors near ESP module
3. no blocking capacitors near U1 (regulator)
4. no mill around U2 (BME sensor) so the temperature readout will be affected by board components temperature
5. not very nice PCB routing - no preferred direction of routing on PCB side
6. no via stitching so the parasite capacity of ground plates will be big
For first even made PCB is this good, but I suggest to read all available datasheets and application notes for used parts before starting to place and route the components.
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By Bonzo
#93092 Thank you very much for the comments Pablo2048
1. Location of the ESP module (copper around) - read ... nes_en.pdf chapter 1.6.2
2. no blocking capacitors near ESP module
3. no blocking capacitors near U1 (regulator)
4. no mill around U2 (BME sensor) so the temperature readout will be affected by board components temperature
5. not very nice PCB routing - no preferred direction of routing on PCB side
6. no via stitching so the parasite capacity of ground plates will be big

1. I did wonder that but didn't realise it was that important.
2.3. Is "blocking capacitor" the correct term as the information I found talks about allowing AC through but blocking DC. All the IC's and sensors have the correct capacitors etc. as indicated on the data sheets. Although it is not easy to tell what is what from the photo. The ESP-12f hasn't and I will have to study the data sheet you linked to.
4.The BME and light sensors were going to be outside of the enclosure and I didn't think it would matter.
5. I got in a mess as there were so many components :?
6. I will have to look into this as well and wondered why some boards had lots of via's.

Lots to take on board for V2