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By jankop
#22271 Bad...
1. Power from FTDI USB/RS232 is very weak!
2. What is a configuration of ESP8266Flasher? What is flashed?
3. After LUA flashing you must return GPIO0 to HIGH and restart esp8266
3. LUA functionality will know after the first restart of esp8266, you do not load any lua application
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By Tom_Neverwinter
#22391 1. Power from FTDI USB/RS232 is very weak!
yeah 50mA supposedly so; powering externally from proper 3.3V source and more than enough amps, but I'm not sure the best wiring setup.
2. What is a configuration of ESP8266Flasher? What is flashed?
attempting to flash esp8266-01 and esp8266-201

3. After LUA flashing you must return GPIO0 to HIGH and restart esp8266
attaching esp-8266-01 to high disables the ftdi when powering from external

3. LUA functionality will know after the first restart of esp8266, you do not load any lua application

flashing firmware from ftdi, but inability to upload lua;
now I'm powering from external; (upload a video later)
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By Tom_Neverwinter
#22454 I figured it out! after teaching myself, I learned that "common ground" is not the same as "ground"
IE; the ftdi must ground as well or there will be excess power from the external power supply and it will force the ftdi to shutdown because of voltage overcurrent protection. /doh!

on the ywrobot external power supply; ground to ftdi ground, and esp8266 ground to ywrobot ground.

simple problem. I thought it was a power problem ie not enough power. turns out improper grounding.