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By Sjaak
#1999 You sure about you ip address? is generally a broadcast address and not a valid hostaddress (assuming a /24).
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By saper_2
#2008 You can check your firewall, especially if you have 3rd party one. I have ZoneAlarm and that bi***h not letting any UDP to go out of my PC from my program (yes, I have set full access for my program) :/ , when I shut down ZA then packets are flying beautifully to ESP module (direct ones and broadcast too).

Ps. More funny is that torrent udp packets are going through...
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By jas
#6133 I have firmware

which also does not support command


Did you find out the new equivalent command ?

picstart1 wrote:The AT commands supported are dependent on the firmware bin so its helpful if the specific firmware is identified.
Ex. The firmware below doesn't support AT+CIPSTO



I know what's in a firmware or not in firmware ought to be resolved by documentation especially since conjuring up new AT+ commands and removing others is wide open but
documentation is often out of date or wrong.
I have my fingers crossed that AT+GMR id's aren't the same when the firmware is different.