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By alonewolfx2
MK1888 wrote:
alonewolfx2 wrote:Finally i found Zarya's hd44780 driver and i modified for 16x2 lcd. its working now and here is video.

There is a shift register or I2C interface chip involved?

By the way, there are methods of using only one pin to interface with a shift register:

Just esp8266 i2c interface.
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By fixingthingsguy
alonewolfx2 wrote:Finally i found Zarya's hd44780 driver and i modified for 16x2 lcd. its working now and here is video.

Thank you for posting. Excellent.
I am wondering if the code you provided at ... RyTDQ/edit
can be used with nodemcu? .
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By alonewolfx2
#20082 i am not sure. you should to try to merge both code
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By John A
#24260 I'am using the code of Abel but i do not get any character on the display. Only the cursor on the end of the text. Any idea what can be?
Thank you in advance.