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By rojer
cicciocb wrote:Hi, thanks for your great work.
It could be possible to have it in .exe format ?

Thanks in advance


Flash 'n chips is available for Windows, but you'll need to create a .zip file with a manifest.
Unfortunately, the manifest is created by a Python script :)

mianos wrote:Am I missing something, I use 921600 with the normal ESPtool all day every day with my aliexpress ESP12Es?

Consider yourself lucky. What kind of USB-to-serial adapter do you use?
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By lethe
#43841 This may be a bit off-topic, since it may not be related to your code, but I ran some tests and noticed something peculiar: while your fork is indeed faster than the original, it doesn't get faster than ~300kbit/s with a CH340G serial adapter (Wemos D1 mini).
While flashing works fine with up to 921600 baud, but beyond 460800 baud there is no increase in speed (in fact it is even a little bit slower at 921600 baud). With a CP2102 adapter (nodemcu devkit) on the other hand, there's a constant increase in throughput.
The original behaves even worse on CH340G @ 921600 baud, with the throughput dropping from ~275kbit/s to ~185kbit/s.
Did anyone else notice such behaviour with CH340G adapters?
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By mianos
rojer wrote:
mianos wrote:Am I missing something, I use 921600 with the normal ESPtool all day every day with my aliexpress ESP12Es?

Consider yourself lucky. What kind of USB-to-serial adapter do you use?

Cheap as I can find ch341 board from aliexpress. Maybe just lucky,