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By chandan2002x
#9404 I know, I became slow because of some other interrupts!
But, still, some hints of progress.
Look at the WiFi networks in attached image.
There is the response of +CIPSTATUS

+CIPSTATUS:X,"ME","",XXXX,X; Range=33620225-50331647; SSID=MESH-20010423066:
+CIPSTATUS:251,"PARENT","",9999,0; Range=16843009-4294967295; SSID=MESH-10010241862:

Some description:
+CIPSTATUS:251[link-id],"PARENT"[my parent],"" [parent's ip],9999[parent port],0; Range=16843009-4294967295; SSID=MESH-1[level of network depth1=root, 2=1st hop, 3=2nd hop]0010241862 [10 char unique ID]: [node-IP]
The Range indicates the IP, it can hold in all child nodes (or grand child:). It is difficult to explain the essence of this protocol feature until I show the data propagation from node to node. So, we need to wait for some more time.

BTW, I believe, the link "" is trying to achieve much bigger picture but not the Mesh in particular.