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By samehhady
#8055 @reaper7 thats great news, Espressif team seems been watching this issue :D

system_deep_sleep_set_option: set what the chip will do when deep-sleep wake up

this API seems interesting too, you can save state for instance before sleep and do something when it wakes up.

Also for waking up this needs to be tested, would be great if it wake up faster than normal reset.

faster the re-connection of ESP8266 station to router after deep-sleep

Thanks for pointing this out, let the testing begin!
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By Frank Carroll
#10274 Hello,
This forum has lots of good stuff. Thanks to all who contribute.

Related to what was previously discussed, here's what I want to do:
I don't have it yet but I want to use the ESP-12 module. I want to put the module into deep sleep for a while (say 12 hours).

However, I want to employ a motion sensor to (upon sensing movement) do a wake-up. After that I want to run some code then go back to sleep.

I'm a little fuzzy on using a GPIO to do the reset for the wake up. I'm pretty sure I can build the circuit to do the falling edge wake up but I'm not sure if multiple falling edge events will cause additional reboots of the module.

For instance, if the module is in sleep mode and a motion event occurs, the falling edge would cause a wake=up. What would happen if another falling edge event happened say 2 seconds later? Would the module reboot again or would the first falling edge event "latch" the module on until it goes back into sleep mode?

Thanks everyone in advance for any help you can provide.
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By enaon
#11352 I have done something similar, I wanted the esp to give an alarm when somebody was going up the stairs, the stairs are external iron made ones, so they give a fair amount of trembling.

Anyway, I connected pin2 to gnd using the capsule I took out one of those. ... 34016.html

If gpio16 can be pulled low before deep sleep and the state persists, then you may be able to connect it to rst, so the slightest movement awakes the esp, maybe it will work for you.

it works just fine on esp-01 using pin3 (gpio0)
Connect the capsule to rst and gpio0, then do this:
pin = 3
gpio.write(pin, gpio.LOW)

when moved, the esp will wake up.
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By Tugao
#24175 Please
someone can help me
I am using an ESP-12 and alway when i put my esp in deep sleep
it reset after the time determined
is it normal ?