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By alonewolfx2
#9926 I tried with 4.1v and it seems working. No burning no overheating. is it safe ? i dont know :D

Edit: i tried with 5v and it seems still working. but one difference. read vdd returning 4094mv. maybe it have something like internal regulator?

Edit2: it consuming 1.8ma in deesleep with 5v

Code: Select allNodeMCU 0.9.6 build 20150216  powered by Lua 5.1.4
lua: cannot open init.lua
> print(node.readvdd33())
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By quantalume
#9930 There might be a simple internal resistive divider to scale Vdd to the ADC range, and 4V Vdd corresponds to 1V on the ADC (4094/4 ~ 1023).

5V might be a bit reckless, but maybe the chip will be OK on 2 NiZn cells or 1 LiPo cell. Can you test the standby current at 4V? If not, I will do so when I get home today.
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By quantalume
Yan78 wrote:Can you post a picture of the module with esp8266. It's not clear what you are using!

Hi, my apologies, this is the module. It is the same as the others in that there is no external regulator for Vdd.
