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By loiphin
#13587 UPDATE:

I placed everything on a protoboard with an AMS1117 3.3v and 5v supply, and its all working lovely (well 4 hours of lovely) :) GPIO0 is floating, but it appears to be happy collecting Temp/Humidity from a DHT11 and sending it to Running off a battery for now. Will see how it runs overnight and then switch to a 5v ultrasonic sensor and have it send me a Growl alert . I think the cause of my problems was the fact that everything was previously on a breadboard with loads of wires everywhere acting as antennas and picking up noisy crap.

Very impressed by the range ability of the ESP-01. It is sitting in my garage 25m metres with any issue.

Appreciate all the input :) Keep it coming for others to see.

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By ruifilipe
#13591 This weekend I spent some time studying the operation of the ESP-01. I used NodeMCU, firmware version 0.95.

I created a small script in LUA that only makes a http GET every 5 seconds at a small http service created in Delphi and deployed in a cloud server.
It was for a whole night working (about 7 hours) and after that I saw the terminal logs. Many times failed to get the results (more than 50% of the time), but after some time, the process could continue and get the results again, but always with many failures.

At some point began to appear DNS errors in the logs, so I changed the name of the server by IP. I upload again the script and put it running. Spent an hour crashed completely, even if I turn off the power supply to restart. Very strange. I was only able to return to work after upload all the firmware again. It seems that the firmware has become corrupted.

I just wanted to share this negative experience I had with the ESP8266. I hope things get better because it's an excellent system to create IOT solutions.