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By johnyradio
mamalala wrote:I would also guess that the '89 has a much smaller firmware basically just for setup and spitting out/accepting data, while the '66 has a rather large chunk of code handling all the IP protocol stuff and more.

Chris, how would that affect the ability of the '89 do stream high-bandwidth data?

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By johnyradio
jonsmirl wrote:Far, far easier to use a MT7620 or RT5350 for this. BOM for RT5350 setup is under $5. Maybe $6.50 for the MT7620.
Here is finished module for Y44.00, $7.33 ... a54003142f

Really appreciate that! The RT5350 is one i have been considering. Definitely want to find an existing module, not the raw chip (will make my own modules later).

Also considering:

RTL8188ETV ... ProdID=228 ... 04540.html

HLK-RM10 ... 03871.html

HLK-RM04 ... 12880.html

MT7681 ... t-madness/

Any thoughts on them?

PS, I'm not seeing the same price for that taobao RT5350 on aliexpress. Aren't they sister companies?
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By mamalala
johnyradio wrote:
mamalala wrote:I would also guess that the '89 has a much smaller firmware basically just for setup and spitting out/accepting data, while the '66 has a rather large chunk of code handling all the IP protocol stuff and more.

Chris, how would that affect the ability of the '89 do stream high-bandwidth data?


Because a WiFi stick has little handling of IP packages, i would guess. I would think it is more of an "raw" device. The '66 however does the whole network stack itself. TCP/IP, DNS, etc. Since the stack runs on the small chip in this case, the effective throughput would naturally be lower than what you could get by just getting/sending raw data around with no protocol stack inbetween.

Plus, there may be a more aggressive power-saving scheme in the '66, since it is obviously aimed at IoT stuff and not data throughput.

