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By GiovanniBauer
#23278 anybody still having the "getting hot" issue?
I read on the following post that this is a resistor/LED issue. the current limiting resistor is too low. as I have four of this modules i can test if removing the resistor would solve the issue. ... 6-modules/

when im done testing ill get back here with the results!
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By GiovanniBauer
GiovanniBauer wrote:anybody still having the "getting hot" issue?
I read on the following post that this is a resistor/LED issue. the current limiting resistor is too low. as I have four of this modules i can test if removing the resistor would solve the issue. ... 6-modules/

when im done testing ill get back here with the results!

yesterday I was testing my other ESP modules and they seem to work fine. i think the "getting hot" issue is a batch issue.