As this topic may be reached by external references, a quick recap. A month ago MicroPython developers finished a KickStarter project to develop a full-featured and well supported MicroPython port to ESP8266 WiFi SoC: ... y-easy-iot . The kickstarter became a great success, with a number of stretch goals unlocked. Immediately after the campaign end, we proceeded to push finished code to public github repository ( ... er/esp8266), while continuing work on unfinished parts and testing them via early-access program (participants are backers who contributed more than average to the success of the kickstarter).
Well, that's it folks - a month after the campaign end, majority of features whose early prototypes we showed you in the campaign videos are now on the Github, in pretty clean code, and pretty well tested by ourselves and early adopters. Among the features available are:
- Standard BSD socket API support
- Support for mounting filesystem in userspace (real filesystem, with long names and
directories) - Basic hardware support for SPI, I2C, 1-Wire, Neopixels
- Better API compliance with MicroPython standards
- Beginnings of documentation
- Regression testsuite
The current state of the repository is also on par with the latest early-access release, except for boot initialization setup (including mounting of filesystem on boot) - it is still work in progress and requires proper design and discussion (see e.g. , before being finalized.
Early-access backers, don't be sad though - we have more dogfood coming your way . Please expect a next early-access release for WebREPL testing.
To clarify, this release is not yet suitable for end users - the documentation is work in progress and misses many things, so you should be ready to consult the source code in case of questions, as being busy with fast-paced development, we are unable to provide end-user support for unfinished product. However, if you don't shy to
git log or poke around project with hundreds of files, feel welcomed to start hacking around (and if you're not used to git log around, feel free to use that as an excuse to start ). We have growing active community on the forum which already proved to be able to find solutions for many issues and paramount for wide-coverage
Our development plans for next month:
- Documentation
- Finalizing other APIs
- If time permits, starting on first of stretch goals (that's MQTT as you guessed - please stay tuned for the official poll results as we collect the last votes coming in)
mastermute wrote:Arrgh! Missed the Kickstarter Is there any way to jump on the train?
Sure, please see the previous message for github links to get you started!