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By zinahe
#8198 Hi all,

I have upgraded the SDK to esp_iot_sdk_v0.9.5_15_01_23 and all of my programs compile successfuly using esp-open-sdk and run without any issues. But I have noticed that a "MEM CHECK FAIL!!!" is sent out via the UART link just before user_init() is called; which doesn't happen when the same code is compiled against 0.9.4. At first I thought there was a problem with the SPI flash (which could potentially happen as reported somewhere in the forums) but I got the same output on all of my modules.

Has anybody (including the gurus at Esspresif) got any idea what that means ?

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By sej7278
#8206 i've not seen that with 095b1, b3 or final, but i'm compiling nodemcu not the AT firmware.

did you make sure to "make clean && git pull && git submodule update" before rebuilding (make) esp-open-sdk ?

you didn't just change the symlink or anything?
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By zinahe
#8224 @sej7278,

Thank you for the response. To answer your question, yes. In fact, I git cloned a new instance of the esp-open-sdk and built it afresh (my previous install was a created with STANDALONE=y). Then I downloaded the new SDK, extracted it and changed the sdk symlink.
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By sej7278
zinahe wrote:@sej7278,

Thank you for the response. To answer your question, yes. In fact, I git cloned a new instance of the esp-open-sdk and built it afresh (my previous install was a created with STANDALONE=y). Then I downloaded the new SDK, extracted it and changed the sdk symlink.

i don't think you can just change the symlink afterwards, as some include files and stuff are copied from the sdk during make.

can you do a "make clean", then download my modified Makefile (just download the file, no need to git clone) then run make again? ... r/Makefile

also looks like there's some memory bug too: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1360 which i've added the patch for