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By jonsmirl
#867 The minimum you need is a frequency counter that can do 2.4Ghz. Litepoint ( equipment is much more automated. It can calibrate, write the mac address, run tests, etc... Just pick an assembly house that has the right equipment, many of them have the Litepoint units since they also work for calibrating cell phones. The RT5350/ MT7620 /AR9331 are quite common in Shenzhen, most assembly houses can deal with them.

The complexity line is that you are going to run out of RAM. ESP8266 and RT5350/ MT7620 /AR9331 are complementary to each other, not substitutes. I would never put an AR9331 inside LED light bulb, but I would put a ESP8266 in one. I would never attach a Zwave controller to a ESP8266 and try to manage a Zwave network, but an AR9331 has no problem doing that.
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By tinhead
jonsmirl wrote:I would never attach a Zwave controller to a ESP8266 and try to manage a Zwave network, but an AR9331 has no problem doing that.

what zwave are you talking about, just wonderign about the allowed freq: ... ifications