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By jlcabral
#11741 Hi guys

I'm transfering information from my esp8266 used as a server, with the command AT+CIPSEND the board sends 2048 bytes, I receive the "SEND OK", but when I want to send the next package or other at command, the esp8266 doesn't respond.

Any suggestion is welcome, thanks
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By Polygram
#30160 Hi, did you ever figure out how to solve your problem? I am in a situation similar to that. My friend and I are trying to send data through a server to a database (ESP8266 + Arduino, Apache Server and Mysql Database). When we send data, it says “send ok” and after that it says connection timeout. On apache it says 408 error. A few times we got 200 4961 (this is what we want) but that only happens when we send GET /HTTP/1.1 and when we send to GET/index.php?img=pngPlugIn HTTP/1.1. We try to send GET /pm/add_message.php?pmu=RAL005-07001-FL02-0030-2L Host:192.168……. but we get 408 320. Any suggestions? Do you know what we might be doing wrong? ((I have attached a list of the log in a word document to view.)
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